Leather CapItemsLeather Pants Leather Tunic in MinecraftA Leather Tunic is item from Minecraft game with ID minecraft:leather_chestplate. In creative mode, it can be found in the Combat tab. It was added in Minecraft 1.0.ContentsObtainingGive CommandIn the Crafting TableObtainingIn the Crafting TableResultRecipeIngredientsLeather TunicLeatherPost navigationLeather Cap in MinecraftLeather Pants in MinecraftRelated Posts Jungle Fence Gate in Minecraft Potion of Slowness in Minecraft Stone Brick Stairs in Minecraft
Leather CapItemsLeather Pants Leather Tunic in MinecraftA Leather Tunic is item from Minecraft game with ID minecraft:leather_chestplate. In creative mode, it can be found in the Combat tab. It was added in Minecraft 1.0.ContentsObtainingGive CommandIn the Crafting TableObtainingIn the Crafting TableResultRecipeIngredientsLeather TunicLeather