Leather PantsItemsChainmail Helmet Leather Boots in MinecraftA Leather Boots is item from Minecraft game with ID minecraft:leather_boots. In creative mode, it can be found in the Combat tab. It was added in Minecraft 1.0.ContentsObtainingGive CommandIn the Crafting TableObtainingIn the Crafting TableResultRecipeIngredientsLeather BootsLeatherPost navigationLeather Pants in MinecraftChainmail Helmet in MinecraftRelated Posts Block of Lapis Lazuli in Minecraft Orange Terracotta in Minecraft Slimeball in Minecraft
Leather PantsItemsChainmail Helmet Leather Boots in MinecraftA Leather Boots is item from Minecraft game with ID minecraft:leather_boots. In creative mode, it can be found in the Combat tab. It was added in Minecraft 1.0.ContentsObtainingGive CommandIn the Crafting TableObtainingIn the Crafting TableResultRecipeIngredientsLeather BootsLeather