Black TerracottaItemsWhite Carpet Hay Bale in MinecraftA Hay Bale is block from Minecraft game with ID minecraft:hay_block. In creative mode, it can be found in the Building Blocks tab. It was added in Minecraft 1.6.ContentsObtainingGive CommandIn the Crafting TableObtainingIn the Crafting TableResultRecipeIngredientsHay BaleWheatPost navigationBlack Terracotta in MinecraftWhite Carpet in MinecraftRelated Posts Splash Potion of Water Breathing in Minecraft Enchanted Book Protection III in Minecraft Blue Wool in Minecraft
Black TerracottaItemsWhite Carpet Hay Bale in MinecraftA Hay Bale is block from Minecraft game with ID minecraft:hay_block. In creative mode, it can be found in the Building Blocks tab. It was added in Minecraft 1.6.ContentsObtainingGive CommandIn the Crafting TableObtainingIn the Crafting TableResultRecipeIngredientsHay BaleWheat